2024 Known Sportsman


Nov 18, 2019
The 2024 known sportsman has been approved (with the removal of the 2x4 from the sharkstooth, but leaving in the 2x4 for the split S). They state that the sequence was flown with a 115HP 7ECA, so obviously there's a way to do it. I've not yet tried it, but practiced rolling to 90 and back at various airspeeds. At 80MPH, this is straightforward, and 70MPH, it get really sluggish, but at the recommended 60MPH for a split S, the roll rate gets SO SLOW that I'm pointing at the ground by the time I roll back. I know this was discussed for the Super D, but if anyone can share tips for the Citabrias, it would be much appreciated. Given the lower G limits and lower VNE, I don't want to find myself at those limits at the bottom of the pullout. I'm guessing I should start the roll at 70MP (with a healthy pitch up), which would slow to match the 60MPH recommended speed with the hesitation. I'm also guessing that we'll need to push forward quite a bit in the 2nd 1/4 of the roll, not too far above stall speed. I think they took out the 2 point roll from the wrong figure - there were no issues with it in the sharks-tooth.


Nov 18, 2019
Well - not sure if anyone else has done the 2024 Sportsman in the Citabria. I managed to figure out the Split S (best entry was actually 80MPH), it turned out not to be a big issue / challenge. Anyway, wanted to share my practice of the routine with folks:
I've yet to edit a video of me doing it in competition, last weekend at Keene NH.


Staff member
Mar 27, 2018
New Jersey, USA
Glad to see you're still at it Laszlo! Nicely done!

Is the engine quitting on the inverted downline of the shark's tooth? I couldn't tell from the audio.


Nov 18, 2019
So - finally had a chance to edit my video from the competition. I decided to share my scores / judges comments - maybe it will be of use to someone. Many things I need to continue to work on. I'm stumped at how to overcome the limitations of low HP, non symmetrical wing, and super slow roll rate, to make judges happy. Particularly got frustrated with the aileron roll. I was coached by one of our club's senior pilots, to initiate the roll with a good nose pull up, since the proper attitude inverted is also with the nose high above the horizon to overcome the flat bottom wing. However, I got dinged badly with comments stating I climbed or barreled into the roll. Same for immelman - inverted level in the Citabria is not the same as the Decathlon. There are lot of other things I can fix: nailing my 45 lines, evening out the pre / post roll sections, and most of all: stop rushing the sequence. Anyway, would love to see more people with these planes at competitions - it's a lot of fun, even with a sloppy routine like mine!