Well, a year and a half later, I found the need to assemble such a list. Yes, the DRS is horrible for those of us who have only a few college degrees - but Univair has stepped in to the breach. I do have an error in the below, dealing with lift strut brackets (AD 96-18-02) but I will edit it later.
I did this for a 1977 bird that was converted to metal spar 160 hp configuration - a stunningly capable aircraft!
Remember, you are responsible, as the owner, to do your own research. Stay on top of this stuff!
Now, Airframe ADs:
Note that a lot of one-time ADs precede the manufacturing date of this aircraft, and most specify applicable serial numbers. In several cases, compliance was observed in spite of not being required. Nothing wrong with that.
Also note that the new FAA DRS system has made AD search almost impossible, so a savvy owner will note that Univair has stepped into the breach. Just “Google” the AD number, and Univair will be the first choice, with a PDF version one click away.
47-50-13 – Koppers Aeromatic Prop – almost no Citabriae have this prop. N/A
48-08-02 – Cleveland wheels – Not on most 7ECAs – these are horrible wheels, and often cracked. N/A
48-39-01 – Control stick casting inspection + clevis bolts – a good mechanic inspected this on the 1977 production aircraft and found that the factory indeed did install clevis bolts. But N/A
67-03-02 – Fuel Shutoff Bracket – replace with part #1-9863 per S/L 73. Note that often the AD requires the use of a service letter during installation. N/A, but verified.
71-20-04 – Lower Longerons. See S/L 96 for some problem with radii, cured with Kit # 223. N/A for 1977 production, of course.
72-18-03 - had something to do with control cables, but does not show on AD lists from various vendors – compliance was good enough to cure this one:
72-20-06 – Aerobatic Placard and control cable inspection. Again, this was cured in production aircraft, so N/A
75-17-16 – Engine Power Loss – had to do with the air valve – one time inspection.
76-22-01 – Adjustable Front Seat – There are three seat ADs on these aircraft, and all are cured with new factory seat kits. But N/A on 1977 production for this one.
77-22-05 – Forward Lift Strut – This one is the first non-recurrent AD to apply to the 1977 production. Replace the strut with P/N 5-392.
79-22-01 – Exhaust System cracks – this is a one-time inspection, followed by a careful six-step tightening process. One would think this would apply any time an exhaust component is removed or replaced? Nope.
80-21-06 – Muffler inspection – Applies only to aircraft 1974 and earlier. Visual inspection once each 100 hrs/year, whichever is first.
81-16-04 – Shoulder Harness – almost nobody has this shoulder harness! N/A
89-18-06 – Front Folding Seat – you need the new design seat – mandatory.
90-15-15R1 - This one applies only to Decathlons - front strut fitting inspection/replacement.
96-03-11 – Superseded by 96-18-02
96-18-02 – Strut Attach Fittings – These get replaced by a new design. This AD deals with metal spar wings - original fittings were subject to severe structural corrosion.
00-25-02 and 00-25-02 R1 – the very big deal wood spar inspection. N/A on metal spar wings.
05-24-10 – Another Nicopress swaging inspection – applicable to cables supplied by ACA.
09-22-02 – Rear Seat Back inspection. This, too, is cured by the new design. 100 hrs/ 12 months, or P/N 7-1500, installed per S/L 431.
For metal spar wings, there is a non-AD required inspection, found only in service manuals for later aircraft and in the Type Certificate Data Sheets, at 1000 hours.