Aeronca Sedan 15AC, N1267H, One of a kind "Cream Puff" airplane. Extensive meticulously done upgrades. IO360 conversion, approximately 220 SMOH & refurbishment, constant speed, IFR panel, Garmin...
Sounds like that add was written not by a seller, but by a owner
Nice plane, price out there, being LA maybe he’ll get someone with a fatter wallet than logbook who will buy it, but those types tend to put lots of value on model year (which makes sense as their major frame of reference is poorly maintained cars)
Price point wise, for six figures, I’d want a digital autopilot, GI275s and a GTN at minimum, and fabric 10yrs old or less, his mention of mechanical condition of 9 gives me pause, cream puff = 10, also why not just say condition is a 9
10sec search and found this, it’s 69k OBO, is his nicer, sure, twice as nice? lol no
There’s a guy trying to sell a Cessna tailwheel on another site, probably the nicest one of that model, but similarly price he will own the plane for the rest of his days
Price point you could do better with a maule or tailwheel cessna and have a much easier time getting your money back if needed from a seller or insurance
Classic plane wise that’s getting too close to a Texan, Reliant, nice C190, Stearman, if you dont mind not being able to make money with it a Yak would also yield a better bang for the buck too
Worth a phone call, but I wouldn’t be in that thing for much more than 60k
I have heard these were good airplanes. Personally, I prefer the 180 hp Stinson. But consider a 160 Lycoming in a Piper Clipper - that might be an honorary Maule.
Used to have a 108, personally I preferred the frank as it was smooth, sounded good, had enough power for Stinson stuff and kept the beautiful balance the plane is known for