John Black Super D Air Shows


Staff member
Mar 27, 2018
New Jersey, USA

Originally from Dayton, Ohio John now lives in Cocoa Beach, Florida. John credits his
love of flying to his father and growing up in the "Birth Place of Aviation". "My Dad
instilled my love of flying; the Air Force Museum was our 2nd home. I'd run outside
every time I heard an airplane. Balsa wood airplanes, model rockets, and radio-controlled
airplanes filled my time. My Dad and I would always go to the Dayton Air Show. There we
watched the legends; Bob Hoover, Duane Cole, Art Scholl, Charlie Hillard & Harold

John learned to fly in 1984 when he was 17 at a little airport called Moraine Airpark.
He acknowledges this as a defining time for him. "My first lesson was during Easter break in
1984. I had my pilot's license before I started my senior year of high school. Moraine
Airpark also offered aerobatic training. My first aerobatic lesson was in a Super Decathlon
before I had my private license. I still remember my first time upside down like it was

John attended college at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Daytona Beach. He
received a Bachelor of Science in Aircraft Engineering Technology and completed the
A.F. ROTC program. His summers always led him back to Dayton though. "I spent my
college summers back in Dayton at Moraine Airpark pumping gas, cleaning
windshields, mowing the field, and flying everything I could get my hands on". John was
commissioned in the Active Duty Air Force in August 1989. He completed pilot training in
April 1991 after a year of flying T-37s & T-38s.

John is now retired from military service. During his twenty one years in the Active
Duty Air Force
and Florida Air National Guard all his assignments were flying F-15A &
Cs. He amassed 3600 hours of Eagle time and earned the rank of Lt Col.

John currently flies TF-51s (P-51Ds) & L-39s with Stallion51 Corporation located in
Kissimmee, FL. As well, John flies with Florida Air Tours giving scenic sorties around
Cocoa Beach in Waco UPF-7s.

Even though John flies one of the best airplanes in the world he's always held aerobatic flying
close to his heart. "Through all my Air Force years, and now with Stallion, I've continued to
fly general aviation aircraft, especially Citabrias and Decathlons. We bought our Super
Decathlon in early 2002. It is a great airplane! The Bahama Blue color of her paint really
stands out in the sun, so we started calling her "Blue". I have a little over 1100 hours in
Super Decathlons, most of those in "Blue". I always tell people if I'm not at Kissimmee, or
flying the Waco, you can find me at the airport tinkering with the Decathlon."

John has flown over 60 types of aircraft flying more than 6900 sorties and 7300 hours in the
last 33 years.